Filters are small, but important elements on which the normal operation of the car and the comfort during driving depend. In total there are five: the salon filter is responsible for a healthy atmosphere inside the car, the air filter protects the engine from dust and dirt particles, oil cleans engine oil, fuel serves as a barrier to the present even in good gasoline, garbage, soot reduces emissions into the environment. The latter was previously installed only on diesel cars, but now the particulate filter can be seen in cars with a gasoline engine.
Periodicity of replacement of fuel, air, oil and salon filter:
Like all filters, automotive gradually lose bandwidth and need to be replaced. Periodicity is indicated in the instruction manual, but in practice it is necessary to do this more often, especially when the vehicle is actively used in unfavorable road conditions. First of all, the fuel filter deserves attention. Do not wait until it completely clogs, so that you do not change the petrol pump afterwards, or worse - clean and clean the engine.
You may need to replace the fuel filter if:
- the engine sneezes, twitches, vibrates;
- the power has fallen, the car barely pulls;
- "swim" the engine speed;
- increased fuel consumption.
These signs can also talk about problems with DIC. Therefore, when they are detected, it is recommended to undergo a full diagnostic at the service station.
Replacement of the oil filter, as a rule, is made every 10-15 thousand km of run together with engine oil, the air filter - every 30-50 thousand kilometers (see the TC manual). The fact that it's time to remove the diesel particulate filter is signaled by increased smoke emissions and reduced maximum engine speed. The approaching replacement of the salon filter will be reminded of unpleasant odors in the car.
Check and change all types of car filters you can in car service CARVEX. In the presence of a large selection of quality saloon, air, fuel and oil filters for different budgets. CARVEX specialists will also be able to replace or remove the DPF + firmware of the computer so that the system does not give out errors.